Reasons to Switch from Conventional Manufacturing Methods to Rapid Prototyping


If you want to bring a manufacturing project to life with the intent of selling a mass release product you need to learn about rapid manufacturing and tooling. A lot of what we gather in our path is usually oriented to the management of CNC machines. The truth is that the process to create anything out of nothing begins with multiple stages of development. One of the most challenging tasks was creating a prototype of the products that worked as you wanted. Thanks to rapid prototyping services this is easier than ever.

How Does it Work?

When it comes to manufacturing, CNC machines are used in the latest stages of a project, even if most of what you read make it seems like an early stage of the project. The work done by CNC machines is to mold and shape a piece of material such as hard resins or metals with many cuts and trims to create a finished part. A great deal of the process is handled using computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) and computer-aided design (CAD).

The specs of this finished product made by these machines come from a prototype that is created previously to manufacturing using the CAD models as the basis to test all the features that make the product work as it should. The machining tools are used to make sure that building the finished part is done quick and efficiently and to optimize the production rates of the manufacturer. The combination of rapid prototyping services and CNC machining brings accuracy, with every single piece of the product created by following a pattern.

Conventional Means Vs. New Technologies

There is very little room of error when both techniques work combined. Conventional machining doesn’t hold a candle to the efficacy rate of these manufacturing methods. The old school way demands a lot of tools, but 3D printing and CNC machining can be handled with machinery that is capable of undertaking the whole task in one sitting. Professionals in the field give their approval just based on the number of angles that can be created with the new technology over the limited scope of human tooling.

When we handle a project with a rapid prototyping service, we will hear a lot about machining, as well as drills used to cast materials into new products. There are a lot of tasks that were previously handled by a team of technicians that are now controlled by a single machine such as lathes that spin the raw materials against the drill bit on their own. There is also mill machining, a common CNC manufacturing method that uses rotary mills to cut parts of stock material.

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