What is Motion Graphics? | animation


The term Motion Graphic has spread to the media and marketing community and to the design and business community to become a major tool in media and promotion. What is Motion Graphic? How is it produced? This is what we will learn in this comprehensive article.

What is Motion Graphics?

Motion Graphics means animated illustrations, which are an animated presentation of drawings to illustrate and simplify information.

The word graphic means images, graphs, diagrams or illustrations, and the word motion means movement.

Motion Graphic is usually added to sound effects, voiceover and sometimes music as background.

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Motion Graphic

  • Motion graphics may include flat, 2D or 3D graphics, and may include images or video clips.
  • The most popular areas of motion graphics on the Internet are flat and 2D.
  • It usually consists of simple, uncomplicated illustrations, including lines, geometric shapes, and freeforms.
  • The most popular areas of Motion Graphics in TV channels are the field of 3D graphics.
  • Motion Graphic is commonly used on most satellite channels, whether in advertising breaks, or introductions and conclusions of programs and movies.
  • Motion Graphics is used in the production of educational films, advertising, and in the work of moving logos, introductions and seals of television programs, and other fields.

The difference between Motion Graphic and Infographic

INFOGRAPHIC is a term used for graphic designs, ie information that is presented in simplified graphics.

Infographic was associated with design work, especially Photoshop designers, which are static non-animated designs.

Infographics consist of shapes, lines, and information written in or around these shapes and are sometimes supported by some accompanying drawings or images.

With the development of animation and its programs, infographic entered the field of animation and the emergence of what is known as Motion Infographic.

Motion Infographic is an area of ​​Motion Graphics

But they are usually interested in listing statistics, figures and graphical indicators.

Motion Graphic video production requires three areas of work:

Design area, animation area, editing area or video editing.

Each domain may require a separate program, and some programs have more than one domain available.

Design Field:

The field of design special for the processing of images and graphics, and the most famous design programs Photoshop program for images and raster designs.

And the Illustrator program for vector graphics.

Three-dimensional programs may be used in the production of three-dimensional forms of 3D and the most famous program Cinema 4D, 3D Max and Maya.

Stirring area:

Animation is an area of ​​animation, and animation software has tools that simulate physical motion such as gravity and bounce, and tools for reshaping graphics during motion over the timeline.

Some of the most popular animation programs in Motion Graphics are:

After Effect, Moho or Anime Studio, and animation tools are available in most 3D programs.

Editing area:

It is used to collect video clips and add sound, sound effects and visual effects.

Popular editing programs include Adobe Premiere, Final Cut, Vegas, and more.

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