Singapore: Starting in July, Telco Operators Will Need to Improve Outdoor Coverage for 4G Networks


By July of 2016, Telco operators in Singapore must boost 4G network coverage out of doors, so that these networks cover a ninety-five percent area. This new requirement is part of a new initiative which is designed to help Singaporeans access improved coverage. By summer of 2017, Telco operators will need to ensure that ninety-nine percent of exterior areas have 4G network coverage. As well, rules for indoor coverage now stipulate that eighty-five percent of 4G coverage via Telco operators for indoor spaces must be in place by the New Year in 2019.

Operators that don’t adhere to these new standards by the deadline will have to pay the price, in the form of steep fines. It’s possible to be fined up to fifty thousand dollars per month for failing to comply with the new regulations by the staggered deadline dates. This initiative is being overseen by Singapore’s Infocomm Development Authority and it was announced at the start of June, 2016.

The same standards apply to 3G and 4G networks. Currently, a trio of Telcos provide an optimal level of coverage, which is greater than ninety-nine percent. The best provider, in terms of exceeding standards and thereby serving the needs of customers, is currently SingTel. In second place is the provider known as StarHub. In third position is M1. These stats are based on who currently offers the highest percent of coverage, respectively.

A fourth provider will require more preparation time in order to make necessary improvements to indoor and outdoor coverage.

While monitoring compliance to this new program, IDA will also use an app called MyConnection SG in order to track valuable information about how end-users are enjoying their experiences with different companies. It’s all about making mobile broadband in Singapore the very best that it can be!

According to industry experts, providers may implement positive changes by placing repeaters closer to structures or placing micro-cells within business buildings. More work by operators will be needed in order to ensure that services which are delivered are of superb quality, especially near offices where a lot of people congregate in order to do their jobs or take meetings.

It’s anticipated that mobile information traffic will spike to thirty-seven petabytes per month. This forecast was calculated by the IDA. New innovations will be needed in order to make certain that demand is met via Telco operators.

Will Providers Meet the Stipulations?

There is every expectation that providers will meet expectations. It’s all about giving providers enough time to refine their processes and install new hardware which helps to boost connectivity in indoor and outdoor environments. If you want to learn more, be sure to bookmark this website today. We’ll keep abreast of new developments in this area and then keep you posted.

Singapore’s government is committed to improving quality of life for its citizens and this new set of regulations is just one example of how the government pushes to make life better for those who live and work in this city-state.

About the Author:
Morris Edwards writes the blog content for Singapore Company Incorporation Consultants Pte Ltd. If you want to register a company in Singapore visit for more info.

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